Saturday, 30 January 2016

TV Advert Proposal
Format: TV Advert

Working Title: Jet Black
Audience: Our TV Advert would be aimed at teenagers, which are from different cultures because we would not want to advertise a clothing line, which is only aimed at a certain group of people. We are going to show this by having a variety of different people with different backgrounds showing of the clothes.
Our secondary audience would be adults because they might also be interested in the clothing line because it’s also clothing that will look good and suit older people.
Locations: The advert will take place in St Thomas More Catholic School playground. The time would be around 4 or 5 (pm). The reason for this is because now it’s getting dark quicker because it’s getting close to winter (November 24), so we would to get a dark effect, which then we put lights out, this would show our actors better and the product they are planning to wear.

Preparation plan: What do you need to do you prepare for the shoot? What is your time frame?
We will need the following:
  • Product
  • Lighting
  • Camera
  • Actors
  • Music
  • Tripod

Production: When will you shoot your film and how long will it take?
The film will be shot during the winter time as the season best suits the clothing we are selling, due to the days being shorter night time comes about much quicker than usual, therefore when the jacket is worn in the dark light is reflected from the jacket only when light is projected onto the jacket. This will take no longer than 30 minutes as the location and the planning will be on point from the start of his Advertising scheme.

Final cut: What will the editing process be? How long will it take? What equipment will you need?
Depending on the available time we will have after the shooting has been done, the editing should take place immediately after the footage has been captured, allowing us to look over the scenes and discuss on possible changes and highlight the strengths within the Advertisement.

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